Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Basic Dog Training

Basic Dog Training
By Amy Howells

If you have a new dog or puppy, you may be interested in getting some basic dog training. Dog training can be taught by an obedience instructor, or you can do the dog training yourself.

Dog training with an obedience instructor can vary in price and it usually takes place in a class. If you do the dog training yourself, it is usually free and you can do it from your own home. If you do choose to do the dog training yourself, it is best to get educated on dog training.

There are 3 basic things your dog should learn through basic dog training. These are: sit, stay, and come. The first part of dog training is to teach your dog to sit. To start this dog training, you will first need some dog treats.

Do this dog training in a quiet environment so your dog doesn't get distracted. Tell your dog to sit repeatedly as you hold the dog treat just over their head. This way the dog has to look up and may sit on there own to reach the treat.

If not, gently push there rear down. When they sit, praise them and reward them with a treat. This kind of dog training works because the dog constantly hears "sit" and will learn to associate the command with sitting and receiving praise.

The next part of dog training is to teach your dog to stay. This is often a difficult part of dog training. This kind of dog training is also incorporated with teaching your dog the command "come." Sit your dog in an area with no directions.

Tell your dog to stay repeatedly as you back away. Start out by keeping eye contact with the dog. If the dog gets up, tell it "no" and start again. Remember this dog training takes a while. You may need someone to sit with the dog to help reinforce the dog to stay the first few times.

Once you have made progress with this dog training, you then start by walking away with your back turned. Dogs will often get up to follow you at this point. Tell your dog "no" and start the dog training again by repeatedly telling your dog to stay as you walk away.

Once your dog has mastered this part, you can teach it to come. After your dog has stayed, tell it to "come." Have a happy voice and pat your knee as you say "come." Your dog should respond to this dog training right away and you may then reward it.

Always use praise instead of punishment with dog training. Dogs respond best to positive dog training, rather than negative. With all of this in mind, you should be able to teach your dog the 3 basis commands.

Follow all of this advice and you should soon have a more obedient dog that is worth everyone's praise!

Amy Howells is owner of the Dog Owner Blog, where she gives free information on all aspects of dog behavior training.For more information on dog training, including advice on dog training equipment, be sure to visit her blog right now.

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Review - Sit Stay Fetch

Review - Sit Stay Fetch
By Lee Tuan James

Sit Stay Fetch has helped me solve my dog's aggressive behavior problems and transformed him into a well-behaved dog!

You must read this review first if you have a problem with your dog's behavior, have a need to slash your dog training time in half, or are looking for techniques that give you immediate results.

It all started about a month ago when I adopted a homeless adult Retriever. Unfortunately, he was not well-trained and has a tendency to bite on everything around the house. I try to correct this behavior with some free online tips but it did not work too well and needless to say, I was quite frustrated.

As I continued searching online for dog training help and I found some dog sites recommending Sit Stay Fetch. After some thought, I decided to give this book a try after reading the positive reviews from many dog owners.

Within two weeks of applying the techniques mentioned inside the book, I have managed to teach my dog to get rid of his biting and mouthing behavior. I am absolutely delighted and I have since use Sit Stay Fetch to teach my dog basic commands and some tricks.

Frankly, I enjoy reading and learning from Sit Stay Fetch very much. In his book, author Daniel Stevens who is also a professional dog trainer, has actually created this excellent dog training guide to help anyone to understand their dogs better by learning the best tried and tested dog obedience training methods, without wasting time using training techniques that do not work.

He gives insights into what the dog is thinking, why they behave the way they do, what motivates them to do what they do, and tips on what to do to correct the problems. I have learned so much from his instructions, and my dog is now following my commands and I am able to control him.

In my opinion no dog owner should be without a copy of Sit Stay Fetch. This 186 page book is jam-packed with useful and practical information, very easy to understand, follow and the results are remarkable!

Sit Stay Fetch is laid out in nine easy to follow chapters with step-by-step courses that cover everything you will ever need to know about looking after and training your dog. Included within to help you further are also topics on:

Selecting, buying and raising a puppy or older dog
The best ways to care for your dog
The advantages and disadvantages of all the training methods
How to understand your dog through body language, facial expressions and the impact of wolf instincts
How to train your dog virtually any command and tricks including Come, Hold, Leave, Seek, Beg, Catch, Crawl, and even climb ladders!
The best methods to train your dog, including the latest thing in dog training – dog whispering!

Sit Stay Fetch is also applicable for dogs of any age or breed that you want to train successfully. You won't be disappointed with the instructions given as it is so simple to comprehend and apply, many people have actually reported achieving extremely fast results with this dog training guide.

Lee Tuan James is a dog lover and owner who has benefited from Sit Stay Fetch. To find out more on what the book offers, please read the full review: Sit Stay Fetch Review

I highly recommend Sit Stay Fetch for anyone who is a dog owner who has a dog behavior problem that they need to address and solve quickly. Believe me, you won’t be disappointed!!

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Monday, May 21, 2007

Try Healthy Homemade Dog Treats

Try Healthy Homemade Dog Treats
By Todd Jones

Making your own homemade dog treats can be a healthy way to provide your dog with treats that they will enjoy. When you create your own homemade dog treats, you can ensure that only quality ingredients go into the treats and you can tailor them to your dog’s tastes and needs. Many commercial dog treats are filled with preservatives that are added by the manufacturer to create a longer shelf life but you can make your own homemade dog treats that are devoid of these additives. Also, many commercial brand dog treats are predominately made from fillers and byproducts instead of wholesome natural ingredients. When you make homemade dog treats for your canine companions you can ensure that you use only the highest quality ingredients and that you don’t add chemicals and preservatives that are not healthy for your dog.

When you are baking your homemade dog treats you have a great deal of flexibility and can include flavor combinations that you know your dog enjoys. Cheese and garlic are particularly popular dog flavors but if you dog does not like these you always have the options of using any other ingredients you desire such as peanut butter, chicken or beef. You know your dog’s taste best and when you make your own homemade dog treats you can create unique treats that are appetizing to your dog.

Todd runs a website where you can find all sorts of homemade dog treat recipes. Discover healthy, tasty, homemade dog treat recipes today at: http://homemade-dog-treat-recipes.com.

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